THE KINGCAST Episode 4: CARRIE (With Special Guest Karyn Kusama)

In which the director of JENNIFER'S BODY and DESTROYER joins us to talk a King classic.

Real talk? It feels iffy to be dropping a new episode of THE KINGCAST podcast right now.

On the one hand, listening to three people shoot the shit about horror movies seems almost comically trivial in the face of the very real horrors that are unfolding out in the streets. On the other hand, we understand that everyone needs a sanity break from time to time, and maybe an hour-long chat with the great Karyn Kusama (the award-winning director behind JENNIFER'S BODY, THE INVITATION, DESTROYER and more) about one of the all-time best Stephen King adaptations will be just the thing you wanna hear while taking a self-care break. It's with that in mind that we've decided to push forward with the release of today's episode, and we hope you'll enjoy it when it feels right to do so.

And whenever that time comes, hoo boy, does one hell of an episode await you. Kusama was an excellent guest, filled with sharp, thoughtful, sometimes funny observations about the King novel - and resulting Brian De Palma adaptation - that put America's reigning Master of Horror on the map (at one point, she rattles off an answer so insightful that my co-host and I just kinda sit in stunned silence for a few seconds, absorbing everything she's just said). This is a dynamite episode of the show, and we hope you're as captivated with her commentary as we were. 

Here it is.

Next week on THE KINGCAST, we're tackling MISERY, a novel and film which seem more prescient about the perils of fandom with each passing day. Our guest for that episode has what you might call "extensive experience" dealing with fandoms, and he's got some wild stories to tell (and surprisingly even-handed opinions to share) about those experiences. That one'll be along next Wednesday, Constant Listeners.

Stay tuned.

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