The Canon Episode 15: BLOW OUT

The Canon welcomes its first guests, Jeremy Smith of Ain't It Cool to talk Brian De Palma!

Last week's Canon was such a hard choice (and came so close to being a tie that I almost had to go to the studio to rerecord a bit) that this week we decided to give you something easy: Brian De Palma's masterpiece Blow Out. Hugely underrated, Blow Out is kind of a riff on Antonioni's Blow Up, but still very much its own beast and very much a De Palma movie through and through. What's more, it features one of those John Travolta performances that jolt you into remembering why this guy was a big movie star - he was really fucking good, under the right circumstances. 

Jeremy's a huge De Palma fan, so Blow Out was a no-brainer when it came to his episode. He's our first guest, but this is pretty much how guests will be going in the future - they nominate a movie they love for the Canon, which means we could get some really interesting, offbeat choices. Our next guest is coming in two weeks when actress/author Amber Benson is joining the show to help us get some more old, foreign films into The Canon. And it's a movie I haven't seen, so that should be excited. 

Next week: Blade Runner!

In the meantime, vote yay or nay for Blow Out here.... and please subscribe to us and rate us on your favorite podcast app or iTunes!

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