WE ARE STILL HERE Trailer: It Demands New Blood

Ted Geoghegan's New England house horror arrives June 5th.

I saw Ted Geoghegan's We Are Still Here at SXSW this year, and I was captivated by its deep, quiet weirdness and, eventually, its annihilating climax. You can read my review here, and you can see a quote in today's trailer, which does an excellent job of selling the film without spoiling it. 

We Are Still Here is out on VOD and limited theatrical release this Friday, June 5th, and you should absolutely check it out. I will always support - and encourage you guys to support - original indie horror, because we can't rely on studios to deliver interesting, unusual, blood-drenched products like this one. We're lucky to have films like We Are Still Here in 2015, so pay it forward and spread the word.

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