Noah Baumbach’s Must See DE PALMA Documentary Gets A Trailer

Raise your hand if you’re down with listening to this guy talk for two hours.

Brian De Palma is one of my favorite filmmakers. Just look at all the classics and niche masterpieces he’s made. Actually, this trailer gives you a perfect opportunity to do just that (though their rapid fire listing of titles refers to one of his best films as Phantom of Paradise for some reason):

Watching this trailer, it dawns on me that I haven't heard De Palma speak for himself much. I’ve read a ton about him and listened to others discuss the guy a bunch, but rarely have I heard him talk about his career.

From the looks of this trailer, that’s all we’re getting with De Palma. Not only is he the only talking head present, but all his clips appear to be from the same marathon interview. I’m kind of into it if that’s how the film rolls. I also find the inclusion of clips from his less popular movies a good sign. If I’m going to hear a two-hour conversation with De Palma, I want it all, not just the hits.

De Palma comes out June 10, where it will likely become king of all summer movies.

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