Yorgos Lanthimos’ THE KILLING OF A SACRED DEER Gets A Sacred Actor

Are you ready for the Alicia Silverstone comeback?

After Dogtooth and The Lobster, Yorgos Lanthimos is one of those directors you pay attention to. He’s a weirdo who makes weird movies with weird plots for other weirdos, and we’re lucky to have him out there, weirding it up.

His next film is The Killing of a Sacred Deer. According to Deadline, Deer has just started shooting with already announced cast members Colin Farrell and Nicole Kidman. Joining them, apparently, will be former Batgirl and hyper-mom Alicia Silverstone.

The film is about a surgeon who takes a sinister kid under his wing. Silverstone’s playing the kid’s mom. Maybe she's sinister, too. I’m sure Lanthimos will ask all kind of strange stuff from her, and only ‘90s kids will care. But we will care so hard!

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