Hollywood Finally Making Good On Its Threat To Make That GEMINI MAN Movie

Ang Lee will direct a project that's been in the works for two decades.

Spend enough time paying attention to the goings-on in Hollywood, and you'll notice a few projects that always seem to be "in the works": a Logan's Run remake, a sequel to Twins, a live-action adaptation of Akira. These movies might never, ever get made, but people in Hollywood love threatening us with them!

Now it appears that one of Hollywood's longest-gestating projects, a film called Gemini Man, is actually going to get made. Here's the news, via The Hollywood Reporter:

"Ang Lee, the celebrated filmmaker behind Life of Pi and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, is in negotiations to direct Gemini Man, the high-concept action thriller for Skydance Media, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. 

The story centers on an aging assassin who tried to get out of the business but finds himself in the ultimate battle: fighting his own clone who is 25 years younger than him and at the peak of his abilities."

To give you an idea how long Gemini Man's been percolating: I remember reading about this one when I was still in college (for reference, I am now 700 years old), and had kinda forgotten that it was a thing that might actually happen one day. What a time to be alive!

On the surface, Ang Lee feels like an odd choice for this...but then again, Lee's past few films have leaned very heavily on special effects, and Gemini Man - which will presumably involve one actor playing two different versions of himself, with one digitally de-aged - will be no different. Lee seems to really enjoy monkeying around in these VFX sandboxes, doesn't he?

There's no word on who might star in the film or when it'll go in front of cameras (hell, it might still never happen), but it's interesting to see that title back in the news again. We'll keep an eye on it, though, and will let ya know if it gets any closer to happening than the 1,500 versions of Gemini Man that didn't make it across the finish line.

(Note: Header photo used with permission via Flickr)

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