Updated: This IS A Photo Of Harrison Ford Punching Ryan Gosling In The Face

A photo making the rounds on Twitter seems to capture a pivotal moment in the production of BLADE RUNNER 2049.

Last December, we ran a post titled "Ryan Gosling’s Funny Story About Being Punched In The Face Reveals Key BLADE RUNNER 2049 Detail", in which (as promised) Ryan Gosling told a funny story about Harrison Ford punching him in the face on the set of Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049.

In case you've forgotten, here's an excerpt from Gosling's tale:

“We were just doing a fight scene and, you know, it just happened. But what was funny was, when it was over, they brought ice for my face, and Harrison pushed me out of the way and stuck his fist in the ice.”

This story bounced around for months afterward, and was recently confirmed by none other than Harrison Ford himself, who told the tale from his perspective on a recent Tonight Show appearance (consider that your Jimmy Fallon trigger warning): 

OK, so you've heard the story from both players - now what? Well, "now what" is, a Twitter user by the name of @GolazoDan appears to have gotten his hands on a photo showing us the exact moment wherein Ford busted Gosling in the chops.

Take a look at this:

Can that photo possibly be for real? It seems too good to be true. We'll let you Photoshop experts hash out its authenticity in the comments below. But until proven otherwise, we'll be over here celebrating what has to be one of the greatest on-set photos ever taken. 

UPDATE: Welp. The photo appears to be legit. Amazing.

Blade Runner 2049 arrives in theaters on October 6th.

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