Caution: This Final BLADE RUNNER 2049 Trailer Appears To Be Super Spoilery

Click with caution, friends.

You've been warned. 

This final Blade Runner 2049 spot not only delivers the most linear breakdown of the plot we've seen thus far (in less than two minutes), but also reveals a major cameo appearance like it ain't shit. 

Proceed, if you dare:

The hype levels for this one are offically astronomical, and Warner Bros. no doubt knows it (based on the numerous positive pull quotes that break up this new footage). Our own Dave Schilling was fairly positive in the first BMD review, and a few of us see the movie later today, and are bound to have many, many more thoughts for you to consume. 

Blade Runner 2049 opens this Friday, October 6. We'd tell you to buy your tickets here, but know you probably purchased them weeks ago. 

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