The Final Episode Of The Birthcast Moviecast Deathcast Padcast Podcast

The most punctual podcast in history comes to a close.

Our man Phil is gone but not forgotten. In fact, sometimes he’s not even gone! But I did forget who he was.

While Phil doesn’t write for BMD anymore, he does have a magazine that went on sale today (Fangoria, but you knew that), and to help spread the word, my man returned home just long enough to record a final episode of the podcast with me.

And the timing was also just right for us to talk about Avengers: Infinity War and all its many spoilers. In addition, we discuss the incredible James Bonding podcast. And that might be it.

But I’m glad we were able to get one more episode of these bad boys out, if only to have a chance to say goodbye to those who listened back when it was a thing we avoided out of sheer laziness instead of Phil’s departure. And, of course, it was very nice to talk to my old pal Phil again. Check it out:

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