Brian De Palma Writing Horror Film About The Weinstein Scandal

You read that right.

Some good news, some bad news and some weird news for your Friday morning. First the good news: Brian De Palma, one of the most interesting directors ever, is still alive and at work. The bad news, his latest film Domino, which was supposed to play Cannes this year, may not ever come out due to funding issues. I’m sure it’ll get figured out in time, but for now, the idea that the film was underfunded and has been described as a “horrible experience” by De Palma does not bode well.

But there’s always the weird news to lift us up! Or maybe it’s not actually all that weird for De Palma. According to The Playlist, the legendary director is writing a script about the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Weinstein won’t actually be named in the film, but one assumes you’ll know who De Palma is aiming at. Most intriguing, the film is described as a horror film.

Of course, “horror” is an apt term for the crimes this story would involve, but with De Palma it also brings to mind a style and technique that could heighten the story and move it away from reality, which is something I’m very interested in seeing him do.

In the meantime, we’ll just keep our fingers crossed for Domino getting some kind of release in the near future.

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