It’s Official: WB’s Moving Forward With An EDGE OF TOMORROW Sequel

We will be there DAY ONE.

We've been clamoring for a sequel to 2014's Edge of Tomorrow ever since ... well, ever since we saw 2014's Edge of Tomorrow. Starring Tom Cruise and an absolutely ferocious Emily Blunt, Doug Liman's blockbuster (based on the Hiroshi Sakurazaka manga All You Need Is Kill) was something of a sci-fi spin on the Groundhog Day formula, with Cruise's weak-willed military PR man forced to relive one horrifically violent day over and over again before finally figuring out how to defeat an onslaught of alien attackers. You should watch it. It's a lot of fun.

And now, at long last, Warner Bros. is finally moving forward with a sequel:

"Warner Bros. is developing a sequel to the Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt sci-fi movie and has brought aboard writer Matthew Robinson to develop the script, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed. Edge of Tomorrow filmmaker Doug Liman, Cruise and Blunt are expected to return, dependent on Robinson delivering a script they like."

Who's Matthew Robinson, you ask? Well, he co-wrote and co-directed the 2009 Ricky Gervais vehicle The Invention of Lying (a solid comedy until it goes into a nosedive in the second half) and was one of the screenwriters on ... uh ... 2016's Monster Trucks. OK, so, that's admittedly not the best news we've ever heard (Christopher McQuarrie wrote the original), but it's a start. 

Given how the original film ended, one can't help but wonder what Edge of Tomorrow 2 might entail. Got any predictions? Are you as excited for this one as we are? Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned for further updates as they roll in.

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