Rejoice: A New BIOSHOCK Game Is On The Way

It'll be a while, bit it IS happening.

Here's an exciting tidbit of news to start the week with: this morning, 2K Games announced the formation of a new studio called Cloud Chamber, to be headed up by Kelley Gilmore (who previously worked for Fireaxis Games, makers of the Civilization and XCOM strategy games). Cloud Chamber's first order of business? Getting to work on a brand-new Bioshock game.

Ken Levine, the original mastermind of the Bioshock series, will apparently not be involved with the title, which is expected to be in development for the next several years. We don't know where it'll be set, what it's about, or when it'll arrive (could be four or five years off, for all we know). At present, all we really know is that it's happening. 

The first Bioshock arrived over a decade ago, in 2007, and was followed by a sequel, Bioshock 2, in 2010. Three years later, 2K released Bioshock Infinite, which traded the first two games' underwater world of Rapture for a literal city in the sky. All of these games were notable for their incredible world-building, clever combat and mind-bending narrative curveballs (the original Bioshock, in particular, delivers one of the best twist endings in videogame history). While the original is pretty much universally agreed upon as a classic, the sequel didn't quite reach that same level of praise, and Bioshock Infinite remains a truly divisive title. 

But even if you weren't a fan of Bioshock Infinite (it me), it's hard to imagine not getting excited about another Bioshock game. We know it'll almost certainly look incredible - it will, after all, presumably be rolling out on next-gen hardware - but who knows what narrative twists and turns are in sort for us? Who knows what the world of the new Bioshock will even look like? It's a fun thing to speculate on!

As such, we invite you to do so in the comments below. Ideally, where's the next Bioshock set? You wanna go back to Rapture? Back to the floating city of Columbia? Somewhere all new? What do you want them to get rid of this time around, and what would you like to see added to the game? Sound off below, and stay tuned for more on the next Bioshock, whatever it may be called, as further updates roll in.

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