We’re Out Here Just Giving Away 4K Copies Of COLOR OUT OF SPACE

Send us an email, maybe win Richard Stanley's latest in a 4K/Blu-ray combo pack. It's just that simple.

We are, as you may have noticed by now, great big fans of Richard Stanley's Color Out of Space, the Nic Cage-starring, mind-bending HP Lovecraft adaptation from another realm that hit theaters last month. We also happen to know that a lot of you are Color Out of Space fans, which leads us to believe a whole bunch of you are gonna want in on today's giveaway. 

What's on offer?

Three Color Out of Space 4K/Blu-ray packs! 

Gonna make this one real easy on ya, too: in order to win, send an email to BMDContests@gmail.com. Include your name and shipping address, and Color Out of Space in the subject line. This coming Monday (February 17th), I'll pop in there and randomly select three winners, and shortly after that I'll personally ship you one of these sets. That's it! You don't need to answer any inane questions, don't need to write me an essay on your favorite Lovecraft story, don't even need to sign up for anything. Just shoot us an email, cross your fingers, and if you've won, one of these bad boys will show up on your porch, probably before the 4K/Blu-ray's actually available in stores (Feb. 25th, by the way). Easy peasy, right?

You have your instructions. Good luck out there, everyone.

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