ROBERT THE BRUCE Trailer Offers The Unofficial BRAVEHEART Sequel You Always Longed For

Starring action superstar Angus MacFadyen.

You sort of want to give Robert the Bruce a chance to be its own thing. Yes, it focuses on the later exploits of the historical character Angus MacFadyen played in Braveheart, here played again by Angus MacFadyen. But maybe he has a real story to tell that has nothing to do with tricking people into thinking this is a sequel to Mel Gibson’s 1995 film.

But then they name drop William Wallace in the trailer’s opening moments and the jig is kind of up:

No, this is not about William Wallace. It is about Robert the Bruce. He just knew William Wallace in a film called Braveheart, which this is not a sequel to, unless of course you count every historical film as a sequel to whatever historical film took place right before it chronologically, in which case you are not likely to listen to me or anyone else about how movies work.

Robert the Bruce is going to have some kind of one-night special engagement in theaters April 16 before it has its real theatrical release on April 24. The whole thing is tied to the 700th anniversary of Scotland’s fight for independence and also the 25th anniversary of Braveheart, one of which I remember way better than the other.

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