You Won’t See Nine Inch Nails Live In Concert This Year, But You Can Still Buy A Tour Tee

BONUS: All proceeds go to benefit food banks in the markets in which NIN would've played!

So, this is a really cool thing: as just revealed by the Nine Inch Nails Twitter feed, Trent Reznor and the gang had a whole tour booked this fall, one intended to serve as an extension of the band's recent Cold & Black & Infinite Tour. The shows would've had NIN playing around North America (sometimes staying for two, three, even five nights in the same city), but then the COVID-19 pandemic swooped in and cleared the board. They had merch printed up and everything!

Well, it appears Reznor and company have decided to turn lemons into lemonade: they've made that tour merch (a woman's concert tee and a unisex concert tee) available for purchase of their website, and 100% of the proceeds will go to food banks operating in the markets in which they would've played. You won't get to see NIN play live this year (sounds like that's all been moved to 2021 now), but you can certainly rock a t-shirt claiming that you did.

And, hey, in the process you're also doing a good deed. Folks, that's a win-win. 

Head on over to Nine Inch Nails' merch page to see and/or purchase one of these shirts for yourself, and do stay tuned for further Reznor-related updates as they become available. 

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