David Lynch Just Dropped A Brand-New Short Film (And You Can Watch It Here)

Please enjoy Lynch's FIRE (POZAR).

Earlier this week, film geekdom's cool uncle, David Lynch, announced on Twitter that he'd soon be dropping a brand-new short film by the name of FIRE (POZAR), via the David Lynch Theater YouTube page. This is a short Lynch has been talking up for some time, an experimental (and animated!) project done in conjunction with composer Marek Zebrowski. 

He described FIRE (POZAR) thusly, back in 2015 during an appearance at the USC School of Music (as quoted by The Playlist):

“The whole point of our experiment was that I would say nothing about my intentions and Marek would interpret the visuals in his own way. So I say it was a great successful experiment, and I loved the composition Marek wrote for the Penderecki String Quartet.”

Now, five years later (and for the low, low price of totally free), we can watch this animated Lynch short via the magic of a YouTube embed.

If you are so inclined, please do so now: 

Typically this is where I'd offer some sort of commentary on what we've all just seen, but - in the grand tradition of anything that comes from the mind of David Lynch - I imagine everyone will react differently. Mostly I'm struck by how quickly Lynch's animation can veer between unsettling and playful, and how gorgeous Zebrowski's composition is here. Strong TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN Episode 8 vibes.

Speaking of which - we're coming up on the third anniversary of TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN, aka THE SHOW THAT AIRED DURING THE LAST GOOD SUMMER ANY OF US EXPERIENCED. We're kicking around ideas to celebrate that anniversary, so don't be surprised if TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN content makes a triumphant return to the BMD stage in the next few weeks. 

Anyhoo, we hope you enjoyed this creepy-yet-oddly-emotional new short from the GOAT. 

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