SYFY25 Screening Series:


Saturday, September 2

SYFY and Alamo Drafthouse are partnering to present the SYFY25 Screening Series, a fun-filled retrospective of genre classics to celebrate the network's upcoming 25th anniversary.

First up, it's an incredible CLOSE ENCOUNTER...

It’s been four decades since Steven Spielberg first wowed the world with the modern marvel of filmmaking that is CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND. This September, pack up your wood paneled station wagon and join us for a 40th anniversary celebration of the film at a location that means something, a location that’s important: Wyoming’s own Devil’s Tower.

Heed the call, all you Roy Nearys out there.

On Labor Day weekend, we're proud to present CLOSE ENCOUNTERS at the base of the actual Devil’s Tower, the iconic rock formation central to the film. Seeing Spielberg’s sci-fi stunner on the big screen is a breathtaking encounter all its own, but watching the film at the base of the real landmark out in the rugged beauty of Wyoming? Well, that’s an experience almost as mind-blowing as actually making extraterrestrial contact.

First staged in 2005 as part of our inaugural Rolling Roadshow tour, we’ve been itching to do an encore of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS at Devil’s Tower due to fan demand. 

Speaking of, at the site, we’ll have tons of the smashed spuds on hand for some epic sculpting sessions, drones buzzing us overhead like alien spacecraft, and for all we know there could be an actual alien visit while we're there.

Pitch a tent at the nearby KOA and stay the night out under the stars with us. We’ll even be hosting an old fashioned campfire gathering there after the movie where everyone can toast marshmallows, sing songs, and share their inspiring and/or terrifying stories of alien encounters.

Needless to say, this night’s truly going to be out of this world. Grab your ticket and come watch this classic — and the skies — with us.

P.S. Can’t make the journey? Catch Sony Picture’s new 4K re-release of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS opening Labor Day Weekend and join us in spirit.