Francis Ford Coppola Has Been Secretly Shooting A Horror Movie!

Today Deadline informed a stunned nation that Francis Ford Coppola has been hard at work shooting his next film, which nobody even knew existed. To be fair, very few people know that Coppola’s last couple of low budget, arty indie films existed either. But this film, called TWIXT NOW AND SUNRISE, could be a touch more mainstream than YOUTH WITHOUT YOUTH or TETRO.

Today Deadline informed a stunned nation that Francis Ford Coppola has been hard at work shooting his next film, which nobody even knew existed. To be fair, very few people know that Coppola’s last couple of low budget, arty indie films existed either. But this film, called Twixt Now and Sunrise, could be a touch more mainstream than Youth Without Youth or Tetro. For one thing, it’s being described as a ‘thriller with overtones of horror.’ For another, it stars Val Kilmer, who has found himself becoming very hip again in very unexpected ways.

Little is known about the film except that Kilmer plays a horror novelist and that its’ based on a short story that Coppola himself wrote. It sounds sort of Stephen King-y, but that’s what I always say whenever anything has a horror writer in it. Elle Fanning and Bruce Dern are also in the film, which has been shooting on Coppola’s own Napa property - which is surely part of the way it stayed so quiet.

I hope this new phase of Coppola’s career continues. Maybe he’s done with the blockbusters and the Oscars, but I want to see him continue working on his craft. I love older directors who keep chugging along, doing their own thing.
