PRIMER’s Shane Carruth Seen In The Wild! And He’s Working On Rian Johnson’s LOOPER!

Shane Carruth has made one film so far and it’s a masterpiece. Now he’s working on Rian Johnson’s new movie, and we found out what he’s doing.

Shane Carruth’s Primer is probably the single best time travel movie ever made. It’s a work of complete genius, made all the more impressive when you realize that Carruth shot it for what amounts to pennies. Shane’s been kind of MIA since, writing a script that I have been told is one of the great unproduced science fiction films of all time. Budget issues seem to have kept the film from becoming a reality, though, and in the meantime we’re left with just one incredibly perfect film.

But that doesn’t mean Shane is sitting at home doing nothing. In fact these days he’s been hanging around the set of Rian Johnson’s third film, Looper - a fact revealed by Looper‘s Twitter feed today. I quickly contacted Rian to find out just what Shane is doing on the film. The answer: some effects for the time travel sequences (Looper, of course, is a time travel movie where mobsters from the future send people back to the past to be murdered in a time before they even existed). I know that Shane is incredibly talented when it comes to computer effects, so it’s going to be interesting to see what he comes up.

I know that Rian is a huge fan of Shane’s, so it’s cool that they’re having a chance to work together. Now let’s get Shane Carruth working on the effects for his own second feature. I know some of you reading this are producers, and you’re sinking money into shitty festival fare or safe, boring nonsense. Take a running leap at eternity by throwing money behind one of the most intriguing talents of the 21st century. Make some movie history by making the next Shane Carruth film.

And the rest of you - follow @loopermovie for more updates from Johnson’s film.
