LA: SUPERMAN Day Is Coming To The Cinefamily - Watch The Trailer!

Celebrate May Day with a trilogy of film’s about the world’s greatest superhero.

Next weekend Badass Digest is teaming up with the Cinefamily to do a weekend of superhero movies. We’re showing some weird stuff, including Abar, The First Black Superman and The Return of Captain Invincible. But we’re also showing some of the most mainstream, classic superhero movies ever - the Superman films. And we’re showing Superman II in the Donner cut, as it was intended to be seen.

If you live in LA you should be penciling in a weekend at the Silent Movie Theater. And if you’re unsure about doing Superman Day, watch this trailer and remind yourself how awesome it will be to watch these films (yes, including Superman III) on the big screen.

Click here for more info and tickets. Just 12 bucks to watch all three! And we’ll have beer!

Superman Marathon! (trailer) from Cinefamily on Vimeo.
