MGM And Screen Gems Think They Can Do CARRIE Better Than De Palma

Who cares if the movie was done right the first time when you can just simply do it again.

Is someone maintaining a giant list of all the movies ever and checking them off as they get remade? If so, you’re going to want to put a second check mark next to Carrie. The book was first filmed - perfectly - by Brian De Palma, and was done again - horribly - for TV in 2002. There was also an astonishingly terrible sequel in the 90s, Carrie 2: The Rage.

Now MGM and Screen Gems are teaming up their powers of pandering and looting other films to once again tell Stephen King’s story of the girl with the telekinetic powers. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa is the writer tasked with coming up with a new script, but there’s no director as yet. Aguirre-Sacasa is a comic book writer, playwright and TV writer (Big Love), and he’s the guy who rewrote the book for the newly fixed Spider-Man musical.

There’s no reasonable way to muster up any actual rage about remaking Carrie, is there? I certainly can’t find it in myself. I just feel bad for the guy who has to make this movie and be compared to De Palma.
