Badass Digest Goes To The Fantasia Film Festival In Montreal

Devin is getting on jet plane and going to Canada for one of the world’s biggest and best genre festivals!

The bummer about Fantasia for me is that it’s so long I’ll only be there for a portion of it. The good news about Fantasia for you is that it’s so long there’s still time for you to get your act together and make a trip to where they speak French.

Let this serve as notice: site’s going to be a touch slow the next few days. I’ll try to get my Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II review done at the airport or on the flight, but know this: the movie is great and I wept copious tears.

In the meantime, check out the festival’s entire MASSIVE line up here (in English!). And watch the promo video for the 2011 fest below. I’ll be trying to update you guys on the great films and events I’m catching in Montreal as often as I can. Follow me on Twitter @devincf to get the most up to date information!

Fantasia International Film Festival promo HD 2011 from Fantasia Festival on Vimeo.
