Bond’s On A Budget

Have budget cuts clipped Bond's wings in SKYFALL?

I know it's been like two days and change since BAD has given you any new Skyfall news, and certainly that pains no one more than me. Unfortunately, there isn't any news. But as that never stops the British tabloids, so shan't it stop BAD!

Rocking the irreproachable British press today is the probably not-true news that the 23rd Bond film has had a dramatic budgetary slash, forcing the production to, according to the Daily Mail, abandon the film's ambitious travel itinerary and swap out India and China for the beaches of Bognor and Wales. This leaves a rumored Turkish train pre-title sequence as the sole foreign location. Hey, when you spend the coin on Ralph Fiennes, Albert Finney, Javier Bardem and Roger Deakins, I guess something's gotta give.

Again, it should be noted that this story is most likely nonsense. The UK press loves to, for whatever reason, beat up on their #1 cinematic icon. Can any UK readers shed some light on that phenomenon? I'm genuinely curious.

But speaking of that beaten-up hero, here's a recent spy pic of 007 chasing down someone near the Charing Cross tube station in London.

I know I've been cracking a lot of jokes about Craig's appearance in this one, but for real, as a fan of the novels, this is pretty much what a guy who gets in fights for a living, drinks incessantly, smokes sixty cigarettes a day and eats red meat at every meal might really look like. I like it.
