Sundance Here I Come

Devin's off to Park City. 

Wednesday is a travel day for me; I get up early in the AM and fly to Salt Lake City, Utah. From there I hop on a shuttle of some sort and go to Park City, where I'll be spending the next seven days covering the Sundance Film Festival. I missed the festival last year and I'm pretty excited to be covering it at Badass Digest for the first time ever.

To be honest I don't have a strong vision for coverage; there was a mix-up with my credentials and they only recently came through, so I haven't had a lot of time to plan out what I will be seeing. I know that this year I plan on concentrating on SEEING movies, not doing press for them. I want to see as much as possible and write about as many movies as possible rather than spend a lot of time doing interviews for films that won't come out until next year. 

One of the things I've learned from covering Sundance in the past is that it's hard to keep a regular updating schedule. Time is tight, and wifi is generally shitty in Park City. Meredith will be covering the day to day business here, and I'll be sending in my dispatches through her. Things likely will slow down a little bit, but I hope you stick with us. One of the reasons I skipped Sundance last year was because there was no one to run the site while I was away. This year we have an incredible team of writers, and hopefully by next year we'll be so strong you won't even notice I'm gone. 

If there are movies playing Sundance this year that you're particularly intrigued by, let me know in the comments. I'll try to see stuff that you guys want to read about!
