Jena Malone To Go Full Nude In HUNGER GAMES Sequel

Caught your attention, huh?

Jena Malone is in talks to star in Catching Fire, the sequel to the mega-hit The Hunger Games. In the new film Katniss and Peeta are forced back into the arena by a Quarter Quell, where the surviving Tributes from previous games face off against each other. One of those Tributes is Johanna Mason, which would be Malone's part.

Mason is a character who pretends to be weak but is actually cunning and prepared. And she knows how to play mind games - in the book Mason strips nude in an elevator with Katniss in order to put her opponent off balance.

Malone's an interesting actress who hasn't seemed to find the right breakout role, despite appearing in Donnie Darko. This could be that role.
