Trailer For PASSION Gives Us Classic De Palma!

is De Palma back in the zone? This trailer makes me think so.

Even if Brian De Palma never made another good movie he has earned the basic respect of us approaching his new films with open hearts and minds. The man has made some of the greatest thrillers of all time, and when he is firing on all cylinders - which, I'll grant, he hasn't been doing lately - he is unmatched. People who don't actually watch his films brush him off as a Hitchcock wannabe, but while Hitch is a looming influence, De Palma is no wannabe. 

It's been tough seeing some of De Palma's latest efforts fizzle. But the trailer for his next, Passion, promises a true return to form. Everything in this trailer, from the sizzling sensuality to the hints of giallo madness to the gorgeous camerawork, screams that De Palma's back. That even at 71 he's got that magic still within him. 

We'll know soon enough - the film is playing Toronto. Or will we? I never, ever trust festival crowds with filmmakers like De Palma; half the bloggers who attend have no clue what De Palma is trying to achieve and half the 'upper class' critics wouldn't know a good De Palma film unless it was 30 years old and sanctified by the Criterion Collection. 

Right now the film has no distribution. Here's hoping that changes.
