Ryan Gosling Writing, Directing A Fantasy Noir


Ryan Gosling is adding another feather to his overexposure cap - he's written and will direct a movie called How To Catch A Monster, starring Mad Men star (and Drive actor) Christina Hendricks. Maybe he'll shoot it in Hipstagram.

The premise:

Written and directed by Ryan Gosling, HOW TO CATCH A MONSTER weaves elements of fantasy noir, and suspense into a modern day fairytale. Set against the surreal dreamscape of a vanishing city, Billy, a single mother of two, is swept into a macabre and dark fantasy underworld while her teenage son discovers a secret road leading to an underwater town. Both Billy and Bones must dive deep into the mystery, if their family is to survive.

I have to say that I'm impressed he's not doing a movie where he's just going to act cool (or troubled. Actors love casting themselves as deeply emotionally troubled, retarded, crippled, or otherwise Oscar-worthy characters). I don't know that there's much to this premise that intrigues me; mostly I'm surprised that Gosling has 'fantasy noir' on his mind. I didn't see that coming. We don't have enough urban fantasy in our movie theaters, so that's definitely a plus. 

Skepticism is always called for when an actor makes the leap to director. Here's a weird thing to say: not everybody is Ben Affleck. But it's true! We'll see how Gosling aquits himself. 
