Austin: See The Long Lost Original Ending To Saul Bass’ PHASE IV!

The Alamo Drafthouse is playing Bass' bugfuck crazy film.. and the rarely seen original trip out ending sequence. 

Back in June I had an extraordinary honor - I was in the house when The Cinefamily screened Saul Bass' only feature film, Phase IV... with his original ending, though lost. You can read all about that here. 

The gist of it is this: Bass' movie, which is about hyperintelligent ants, originally included a 2001-inspired trip out scene at the end. Paramount freaked when they saw it and demanded it cut. Trailers included some of the footage, and over time the ending became legendary. Earlier this year, when The Cinefamily wanted to do a Saul Bass festival, they discovered in the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences the original ending, which most people thought had been destroyed back in the 70s. 

Now the film - and the ending - are coming to Austin. It's playing tomorrow at the Alamo South Lamar, at 9:30pm. If you're a film fan this is a screening you MUST attend. The discovery of this ending is seriously one of the biggest cinematic events of the decade - it was even covered in the Hollywood trade press. On top of it all, the Alamo is showing a brand new print, which should look gorgeous. 

Click here to buy tickets. Seriously, if you're in the Austin area and you're NOT seeing Phase IV tomorrow, you're doing it totally wrong.
