Did You Know That ZERO DARK THIRTY Comes Out Tomorrow?

It feels like a very long time coming.

This may come as a surprise, but Zero Dark Thirty isn't out yet. Tomorrow's the big day. Actually, my local theaters are playing it as early as ten o'clock tonight, so I guess today's the big day, technically.

But instead of being a very exciting time, it feels more like everyone not in New York or Los Angeles is getting yesterday's leftovers. In many ways, Zero Dark Thirty already came and went. The film can brag that it has a bullshit controversy and a handful of Oscar nominations, as well as a genuine Oscar snub, all without hitting wide release.

Nevertheless, I am antsy to finally see Zero Dark Thirty, largely because I have no real understanding of what's supposed to make it so good, other than the near unanimous praise it has received from critics. The trailer doesn't do much for me. I liked but did not love The Hurt Locker. I know the film focuses on the hunt for Osama Bin Laden, but have no idea how that will translate to a narrative. This is partly because I don't want to know, of course. It seems like the kind of movie that should be a surprise, so I've tried to make it one.

Zero Dark Thirty's success seems assured, but it really isn't. Tomorrow also sees the release of Gangster Squad and the new Wayans farce, A Haunted House. Never underestimate people's willingness to see a Ghost Boner movie instead of a critical darling with an unknown story and a reputation for difficult subject matter. People might also just be sick of hearing about it.

I guess we'll find out this weekend. Just consider this a public service announcement. After almost a month of fancy-pants exclusivity, Zero Dark Thirty finally comes to theaters tomorrow. See it. Save the Ghost Boner movie for another day.
