SINISTER Sequel On The Way

Will it be called SINI2TER? Or will it be 2INISTER? Or could they have the guts to go S1+1=2ISTER?

Looks like more families are going to die in snuff films as Scott Derrickson and C. Robert Cargill have been called back to make a sequel to their horror hit, Sinister, which featured Ethan Hawk as one of the more drunk and unlikable author protagonists in recent memory. Derrickson has not yet been confirmed to direct and may only be involved in the writing process this time.

I'm counting this as good news, since I was a pretty big fan of the original. It will be interesting to see what kind of premise they come up to keep the story going. That Mr. Boogie guy was barely present before. Maybe this time he'll step out of the shadows and make some wise-cracks. Give the people what they want.

Assumedly, it'll be a while before much happens with this one since Derrickson and Cargill are now busy with their adaptation of Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
