Badass Digest Episode 28: The Future Of Horror

Devin assembles a roundtable of experts to discuss the direction of horror in a world where THE WALKING DEAD and EVIL DEAD bring gore to the masses.

I invited some horror experts - Ryan Turek of Shock Til You Drop, Jace Anderson (screenwriter of Night of the Demons and Mother of Tears) and our own Brian Collins - to talk about the future of horror. It's something I've been interested in recently, as the stuff that we used to consider edgy and hardcore - zombie gut-munching, Deadites and tree rape - have become fodder for Hot Topic kids and mall-dwellers everwhere. If some of the most boundary-pushing horror is now mainstream, what's the new boundary?

We shot this episode at Dark Delicacies, the horror-hound's home in Burbank. Del Howison has created a shop that doesn't just have books, DVDs, clothes and tcothckes for the afficianado, it also provides a great place for horror fans to hang out and meet some of the luminaries of the genre. If you're in LA, you have to visit!

One last thing: there is a 20 minute edit of this episode. It's there. If you like what you see here, please make sure to comment ON THE YOUTUBE PAGE that you want to see more. I'm always fighting with the producers of the show to make these things longer; they have metrics that tell them ten minutes is the sweet spot, but I think you guys would really enjoy the longer versions. Please make your voice heard so I can get longer roundtables!
