See Fantastic Fest Fave ANTIVIRAL In Theaters Or On VOD Today!

Brandon Cronenberg's film explores our fascination with celebrity. Read Phil's review!

Today Antiviral, the sorta body horror film from Brandon Cronenberg (David's son), hits theaters and Video On Demand. In the film we see an alternate 2011 in which American audiences consume celebrity foibles quite literally. Instead of cracking wise on Twitter when Lindsay Lohan misses another court date, fanatics pay prohibitive sums to inject themselves with the same strain of cold or flu (or worse) that Linds picked up on her latest jaunt to Ibiza. 

The film is cold and eerie, beautifully composed, and a worthy successor to the Cronenberg handle. Antiviral was a huge hit at Fantastic Fest 2012. Phil wrote a great review of the film after the Fantastic Fest screening: check it out, and be sure to catch Antiviral on VOD or in theaters this weekend!
