Other Countries Need Badass RIDDICK Trailers, Too

Vin Diesel's dreams come true, this time with new footage and French subtitles.

If you've been keeping up on your Riddick ads, you won't see a ton of previously unseen footage in this new international trailer, but there is enough here to keep things interesting. In fact, we see enough kills that the film may be giving up too many of its surprises before anyone actually has a chance to see it. The knife-kick kill, for instance, would have been a great bit to see for the first time on the big screen.

David Twohy definitely had the right ideas when coming up with this sequel, though. I'd much rather have a retread of Pitch Black's badasses vs. aliens set-up than the weird X-Games space operatics provided by The Chronicles of Riddick. No one but Vin Diesel really wants these Riddick films, but if they're going to keep making them, they might as well be good.

This film looks like it could supply the same great Fall R-rated B-movie majesty we got last year with Dredd. Hopefully it doesn't let us down.
