Brian De Palma’s PASSION Gets A Sleazy New Trailer

There's a lot of gay rights activism in this movie.

There are few things better in this world than Brian De Palma with a boner. And based on this new domestic trailer for his upcoming film, Passion, we're about to get a big dose of De Palma sleaze.

Passion has not received a ton of critical acclaim. In fact, many critics seem to hate it. Normally that's a bad thing, but with De Palma, I kind of consider it a promise. This is the first trailer we've seen for the film in a while, but it looks to be wall-to-wall lesbian kissing, knifings, masks, split screens, and camp. That closing shot of Rachel McAdams' colorful funeral shoes hits like a hammer, but only because it's weird that something so goofy is supposed to hit like a hammer in the first place. Obviously, this is not going to be for everybody.

You can finally see Passion when it hits VOD August 1. It will be then released theatrically August 30.
