RIDDICK Ads Now Invading Your Television

Knives, aliens, and that guy from the fast car movies.

Riddick has entered the TV Spot phase of its advertising campaign, and the resulting ad might be the best one yet. At only 30 seconds, it's way shorter than the other trailers we've seen for the film. But where a lot to television ads seem to make small and goofy what the main theatrical trailers make big and epic, this one works the other way around.

Perhaps it's the near-lack of bounty hunter action or the omission of the whole part where they talk up Riddick only to capture him only to let him go when the aliens show up that make this thing sing. But I'm putting my money on the B-level, almost anachronistic voice over guy.

What's more amazing? That we're actually getting a third Riddick movie pretty much just because Vin Diesel wants one? Or that this series is based around a superhero who's special power is being able to see in the dark? I just don't know, but I'm happy either way.
