Badass Digest Proudly Presents FATEFUL FINDINGS At Everything Is Festival

The Los Angeles premiere of one of the most unique movie experiences you will ever have, co-hosted by Badass Digest!

There are Hollywood movies. There are indie movies. And then there are movies made by outsiders, people with no place in the system but with their own stories to tell. Neil Breen is just such an outsider, and Fateful FIndings, his latest film, is without a doubt the next cult classic that will play midnight screenings for years to come. 

I don't even know how to explain this film. One part bizarre romance, one part bizarre paranormal movie, one part bizarre government conspiracy film, Fateful Findings is like a direct portal into the mind of Breen, who directed the film, produced the film, edited the film, stars in the film and who has a credit both for the story and the screenplay. Dylan (Neil Breen) is a successful novelist and computer guy who rediscovers his forgotten childhood psychic powers after getting hit by a car. While in the hospital he is reconnected with his childhood girlfriend, and their rekindled connection begins to get between Dylan and his current, drug-addled girlfriend. Meanwhile, Dylan starts hacking into every government database and learns terrible secrets about the world. This all leads up to one of the most bravura conclusions in the history of cinema. I am not exaggerating. 

I first saw Fateful Findings with a packed crowd in Austin in December and I cannot even begin to explain to you the ecstatic reactions. This is a movie that operates on no previously known level, that obliterates the very concept of absurdity. It's the ultimate midnight movie for a post-The Room world. It may not be the most polished movie you've ever seen, but goddamn does Fateful Findings go for broke, and goddamn is it full of heart and special vision. And I'd rather see that than another Sharknado.

It is my incredible honor to be co-presenting Fateful Findings as part of Everything Is Festival, the annual Everything Is Terrible festival at the Cinefamily. It's the film's Los Angeles premiere, and auteur Neil Breen will be in the house to do a Q&A, which I'll be moderating. I couldn't be more excited - this is a guy who has made a number of films way, way outside the system, and I think he's the living embodiment of the democratization of cinema. 

The movie is playing Saturday August 17th at midnight. Click here to buy tickets. We're going to give away some tickets in the coming days, but I urge you not to wait. This is going to hit LA like an atomic bomb, and you want to make sure you are in the house when it happens. If you like the odd, the offbeat, the unique then I guarantee you will fucking love Fateful Findings.
