If You Don’t See RIDDICK, Vin Diesel Will Starve To Death

Not really. But close!

It's hard getting a movie made. Especially a movie few have interest in seeing. But that was the challenged faced by Vin Diesel and David Twohy when it came time to produce another entry in their shaky Riddick series.

According to THR, funding for the film was so difficult to come by that Diesel has to risk his own personal assets:

"I had to leverage my house," Diesel said. "If we didn't finish the film, I would be homeless."

You have to admire Vin Diesel. He's not shy about his motivational beliefs and cheesy sentiments. But he also seems like a genuinely kind guy and really loves his Riddick character. The irony is that by taking everything down several notches, Riddick might actually have a chance of coming out ahead in the long run.

Anyway, the movie got made, so Vin Diesel isn't going to be homeless. His dedication to delivering an R-rated action film is commendable, though, and I almost want to see the film, which comes out September 6, just to support him. It's like a Kickstarter to get Vin Diesel an even better house, and the reward for a $10 donation is a movie where Riddick kills bounty hunters and saves cute puppies for two hours.
