Enough New OLDBOY Stuff To Choke A Horseboy

Just how weird is this movie going to be?

Despite a general rule ordering us to despise all remakes with a fervor commensurate with how much we love the original, I find myself rooting for Spike Lee's Oldboy.

Maybe Oldboy will be just another bland re-do that loses the heart and soul we fell in love with in the first place, but if its marketing can be counted as an indicator, we might at least get something different from the film. For whatever reason, they're going full-on quirk with the ad campaign, and I love it.

Above you see a teaser focused solely on the room Josh Brolin gets stuck in. It's weird. Below are a bunch of posters that look like they should be occupying every other page of a comic book. They are weird too.

If nothing else, I really have no idea what to expect when this comes out in November. I am pretty excited, though. Just the fact that Lee stuck with minor details like the dumplings presents a strange combination of American and Asian culture. Even if it's only there for arbitrary fan service, the idea of Josh Brolin eating Chinese food for over a decade becomes its own interesting thing.
