GODZILLA Teaser From 2012 Comic-Con Leaks (And Is Removed)

Poof, it's gone.

Godzilla Trailer by itsartmag

The footage is gone, but as of the time of publication embedded above was the teaser footage for Godzilla shown at the 2012 Comic-Con. A couple of notes: this was created before the movie even had a script, so don't expect this to reflect what's in the finished film. In fact, I don't even think this tone is what's in the finished film; this year's Con had footage actually from the movie and it seemed more in line with 1970s disaster films than with the mournful, bummer attitude of this trailer.

That said, this teaser is a nice announcement that Gareth Edwards is taking Godzilla seriously. I don't want a whole film in this tone, but as a heads up - "Guys, this isn't Roland Emmerich's film" - it works 
