Watch PREDATOR In The Woods On A Canopy Adventure

Presented by Tough Guy Cinema, Rolling Roadshow and your heart's greatest desire.

Tough Guy Cinema and The Rolling Roadshow present PREDATOR in the woods! from Alamo Drafthouse on Vimeo.

The Tough Guy Cinema Rolling Roadshow of Predator will turn you into a GOD DAMNED SEXUAL TYRANNOSAURUS.

It kills for pleasure; it hunts for sport, but this time it picked the wrong prey.

Before ARNULD Schwarzenegger and Jesse "The Body" Ventura worried about state budgets and governing, they teamed up to create cinematic bliss for action movie-lovers all over the world. They may have dazzled us with their fisticuffs tango in The Running Man, but in Predator you can watch them in their rawest forms as they battle the Central American jungle and an extra-terrestrial warrior with the help of Carl "Don't call me Apollo" Weathers and the rest of their team of elite bad asses including a Shane Black and Bill Duke.

This is one of the purest action movies you will ever hope to see. John McTiernan casts aside any need for a plot and boils the film down to the simple story of kill-or-be-killed. Prints of Predator are rarer than rare and for this special screening we had to do some hunting of our own to find a 35mm. But when we found it, we couldn't just say "COME ON..DO IT...I"M HERE...WATCH THIS!", we had to celebrate this find in a way worthy of this film.

So grab a Bic razor and prepare for intensity as we travel to the Cypress Valley Canopy Tours, where you will be strapped into a rig and zip-lining through the forest on your way to a secret location in the woods. This adventure of a lifetime includes flying between cypress trees and traversing open plank sky bridges to reach our destination and you can experience it at a fraction of its regular $75 price. Once there, your only option is survival as we treat you to a very special Tough Guy Cinema/Rolling Roadshow presentation of Predator in 35mm while you feast on the succulent craft meats of Mickelthwait BBQ and drink all the alcoholic (and non) spoils that the Alamo Drafthouse has to offer.

We're going into the jungle together on a rescue mission...but we may just encounter the fight of our lives. If it bleeds we can kill it! “GET TO DA CHOPPUH!!!”

*This event will begin at 4pm with the 35mm screening of Predator starting at 7pm. So come early for zip lines and barbecue!

