Nick Nolte Playing Weird Looking Fallen Angel In NOAH

Aronofsky tweets a pic of a 'Watcher.'

Darren Aronofsky has tweeted out that Nick Nolte has joined Noah. No, the movie isn't still shooting - it seems as thought Nolte is doing the voice of Samyaza, a Watcher. 

What's that?, you might ask, and the answer is pretty cool. Samyaza comes from hardcore Jewish mythology, and he's a fallen angel who has been, in the past, confused with Satan. He led a group of fallen angels - the Watchers, aka the Grigori, who according to some myths were the guys who helped Lucifer rebel against the oppression of Yahweh - into fornicating with human women, and the result of their offspring were the Nephilim - giants! The Watchers also did evil stuff like teach humans to use sorcery, make war and... use cosmetics. 

God sent an angel to make civil war among the Nephilim, and once they were pretty much wiped out he sent the Flood, which Noah survives in his big old boat. 

This is the business in Noah that makes me excited; all the bad CGI turns me off, but the exploration of Hebrew myth in a manner similar to how we explore Greek myth is beyond cool. There's a lot of bizarre stuff and weird beliefs that are peripheral to the Bible, and they would make for a cool movie.

By the way - NIck Nolte looks ROUGH. He's the one standing in front of the screen, by the way, in case you couldn't tell. That appears to be Samyaza on the screen, and it gives us a glimpse at the weird creature designs that Aronofsky is going for. 
