The latest batch of Badass Sunday Comics is here to soothe your Sunday-morning hangover.

We’re back with another round of Badass Sunday Comics! More than half of this week’s submissions come to us from repeat-submitters. Artists Diarmaid Hanly (stepping up his game this week with two strips, the second of which is based on one of my all-time favorite films, Barton Fink), Nathan Morton (bringing his epic Bergman-meets-Pacific Rim series to a close) and Daniel Estrella/WeAreLegion (who’s delivered another visit with Flip Chance, Marketing Superstar) have all turned in great strips in the past, and we’re lucky to have ‘em back at it this week.

Speaking of which: these repeat-submitters deserve a ton of credit for helping Badass Sunday Comics survive. Because the vast majority of this column’s content is reader-submitted, we literally wouldn’t have a column to publish were it not for the time and effort these guys are putting into their strips each week. If anything, saying that we’re “lucky to have ‘em” is probably an understatement. Come to Austin, gentlemen: I will buy you the beer or wine cooler of your choice.

We’ve also got some new blood on the docket today, in the form of Igan Takor and Drei Drachen’s visually-impressive Hunger Games riff. I’ve looked over that one several times now, and I’m still not entirely sure how they went about putting that one together. Really strong style, and I hope we see more of them in the future.

Oh, yeah: some weirdo operating under the name “The Black Lodge” also turned in a piece this week. Lots of David Bowie crotch in that one.

Enjoy the strips, folks. And if you’re interested in submitting your own strip for the next edition of Badass Sunday Comics, meet me after the strips to find out how to get involved/what the rules are.


Interested in turning in your own strip for the next installment of Badass Sunday Comics? Awesome! We welcome every kind of creator here, from the greenest amateur to the most seasoned of veterans. Submissions don’t need to be particularly funny or cartoony or colorful; they just need to be creative and film-related (and no more than 556px wide). Funny, scary, depressing, surreal—we want variety, so feel free to go wild.

Send whatever you got into LimitedPaper(at)Gmail(dotcom), I’ll let you know if you’ve made the cut. Badass Sunday Comics #5 will run on March 2nd, which means you have a little under two weeks (deadline’s February 28th) to have your strips turned in.
