Holy Shit! PHANTASM V Is Already Shot And Even Has A Poster!

Subtitle: RAVAGER. Somehow it's not a HELLRAISER sequel.

Eric Vespe at AICN has delivered upon the world this poster for Phantasm V: Ravager, a film most Phantasm fans wanted but few ever expected to get. The poster is not just some fantasy photoshop job, either. Not only does Vespe assure its validity as a real upcoming film, but Ryan Turek at Shock Till You Drop claims the film is already shot and everything. We may be seeing this a lot sooner than expected.

While this is great and surprising news, I have to admit my enthusiasm feels a bit phony. When it comes to Phantasm, I'm a total mess. I know I've seen the original, but beyond that I have no idea which ones I've seen, which ones I missed, and which ones I saw while only half awake. Or maybe I saw them all and they just don't make much sense.

Still, this is really cool. Hopefully it manages to give fans what they've longed for. I don't know if Angus Scrimm will return. I don't know if Ravager will take any cues from Roger Avary's Phantasm's End. I don't know anything other than I need to (re)watch this series as soon as possible.
