Nicolas Delort’s NOSFERATU THE VAMPYRE Screenprint Is Absolutely Gorgeous

Get out your drool cups: online-gallery Black Dragon Press just unveiled one of the year's best screenprints.

This jaw-dropping Nosferatu The Vampyre print comes to us from artist Nicolas Delort (one of the most exciting up-and-comers in the pop art world) and the good folks at Black Dragon Press, a brand-new online gallery based out of the UK. Black Dragon announced their Nosferatu piece earlier this morning, and I've just been sitting here drooling at it, Homer Simpson-style, ever since. I mean, my god, look at the detail on that thing!

The version you see at the top of the page is the regular edition of the poster, an 18x24" hand-pulled screenprint that will be sold (£40 + shipping from the UK) in an edition of 200. There's also a variant version (below), that'll be sold (£65 + shipping from the UK) in an edition of 50. All copies of the print were printed by White Duck (great work, guys).

Here's a closer look at the detail in the image:

I dropped Black Dragon a line to let them know I intended to spread the word about their inaugural print, and to see if they had any further information they'd like to pass along. Refreshingly, they declined to say too much about the gallery itself ("We'd prefer to let the prints do the talking"), but they did want everyone to know they have "a number of movie prints in the works which (they) will be releasing initially on a monthly basis." Anyone interested in picking up the Nosferatu (or staying informed as to the gallery's future releases) can visit the Black Dragon homepage and sign up to receive updates via the company's online newsletter.

They also sent along a link to the video below, in which Delort shows off his illustration process. The clip captures the painstaking detail Delort puts into his work; it's a massively impressive thing to see in action. Here, check it out:

It's way too early to be throwing around any "Best Screenprint of The Year" proclamations, but this is definitely one of the best I've seen in 2014 thus far. I know I'll be keeping an eye on these guys going forward.
