Two More Suckers Named As Possible ANT-MAN Directors

This movie.

Deadline just published an article naming some possible directors for a sequel to Snow White and the Huntsman, a movie I'm still not convinced actually ever came out. Those names are Frank Darabont, Gavin O'Connor, and Andy Muschietti.

But at the bottom of the article, they do a little update on Marvel's current Ant-Man fiasco and casually drop two new (or new to me, anyway) names for potential directors: Nicholas Stoller and Michael Dowse. Excuse me while I run to imdb.

Oh! Nicholas Stoller directed Neighbors, Get Him to the Greek, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and The Five-Year Engagement, four movies I've never seen but people seem to think are funny. Michael Dowse directed Goon, a big favorite of mine.

So that's the news and it's probably more rumor than news. I don't even feel like I have an opinion to offer at this point. The Ant-Man saga has been a hard thing to watch, one that has tarnished my faith in Marvel a lot more and a lot faster than I would have anticipated. This isn't a movie I'm interested in seeing at all anymore regardless of who they get to replace Edgar Wright.
