Watch Michael Keaton Return To Superheroics In The BIRDMAN Trailer

And see Batman punch The Hulk!

In Birdman Michael Keaton plays an actor whose previous role as a superhero is an albatross around his neck - and may be impacting his mental health. It's the new film from Alejandro González Iñárritu and honestly it doesn't look much like his previous films  - I'd peg this one as more Michel Gondry or Alfonso Cuaron if I didn't know the director. It looks aboslutely gorgeous, so gorgeous that even the hackneyed use of Crazy on the soundtrack is okay. 

And also you get to watch Michael Keaton fight Ed Norton.

By the way, the poster for this is wonderful. I'm pretty sure the stuff up top is web-only. The poster's probably web-only as well, but who knows.
