BATMAN V SUPERMAN’s Superman Looks Very Disappointed In You

"I asked for you to bring my umbrella... and you forgot."

There is an article over at USA Today in which Zack Snyder says a lot of interesting things about his upcoming film, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. For instance, the interview reveals that the title has a "V" instead of a "VS" in order to:

keep it from being a straight 'versus' movie, even in the most subtle way.

I like Zack Snyder, but that answer is just a little bit obnoxious. Or really, the whole title is kind of obnoxious, and his reasoning for it doesn't really help.

He also says a lot of stuff you'd expect. For instance, he likes seeing his "crusty old Batman beating the snot out of guys." That's a good sign!

Anyway, you should go read the article if you're interested, it's a little fluffy, but you might find something to like. The rest of us are just going to ogle the above picture of Superman. His outfit appears to have gone through some minor changes (his sides didn't have shark gills before, right?). But most of all he seems like a much thicker Superman. And also, he looks super mad at me. I am sorry for whatever it was I did.
