Jamie Foxx To Play Baby Mike Tyson Somehow

Even biopic haters probably ought to watch this one.

I guess it was just a matter of time before someone made a Mike Tyson biopic. That guy has done too much insane stuff for filmmakers to wait until he passes away to make his movie. It means they don’t get the big emotional ending, but it’ll be worth it.

This Mike Tyson biopic doesn’t have a script yet, but it does have an interested star, Jamie Foxx. And to be fair, it also has a screenwriter, The Wolf of Wall Street’s Terence Winter.

This is all leads to the question of how Jamie Foxx can play a young Mike Tyson when he’s not all that young anymore. Well, Tyson himself has an answer for that:

Within a year to 18 months, we’re going to do the Mike Tyson story and he’s going to portray me, and now they have this new animation; because you know Jamie’s pretty much my age so he can’t portray me but they have this new system.

If I understand correctly, they are going to Benjamin Button Foxx into Tyson’s age-appropriate shorts. And if we’re really lucky, they’ll throw in one Jamie Foxx old man, squinty toddler Tyson as well.

Also, Martin Scorsese will somehow be involved, either as a producer or a consultant or to play Evander Holyfield.
