AMERICAN SNIPER, The Ultimate Christmas Movie

Warner Bros. shifts some release dates.

At one point, Steven Spielberg was going to direct American Sniper, a Bradley Cooper passion project about real life American sniper Chris Kyle. Then Spielberg jumped out and Clint Eastwood walked in. He thought he was in the lunchroom, but it was a movie. It’s pretty close to the same thing anyway.

Now American Sniper has a Christmas Day release date, which means Warner Bros. thinks it might be a big award contender, which Warner Bros. tends to think when it has a non-musical Clint Eastwood movie on its hands. Watching a guy put bullets into the heads of other guys from 500 yards a way might not sound like the best Christmas activity, but in Clint’s hands it could end up being a film that brings family together like no other.

Warner Bros. also moved Guy Ritchie’s The Man From U.N.C.L.E., which stars Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer, from January 16, 2015 to later that summer, August 14, 2015. Meanwhile, the Point Break remake got bumped a week to July 31, 2015 because it doesn't really matter when that one comes out.
