THE NOVEMBER MAN Must Be Okay Because They Just Greenlit A Sequel

Please please please be called THE DECEMBER MAN.

Pierce Brosnan’s action spy film, The November Man, doesn’t actually come out until August 27, but Relativity already feels like it has a hit on its hands, so much so that they just announced a sequel.

There are over a dozen entries in the novel series upon which The November Man is based, so lack of source material isn’t really going to be a problem. But will people come out for this first entry? The trailer we’ve seen looks promising but also somewhat generic. I like the idea of seeing Brosnan rolling around in grit in a way he never could as Bond, but I tend to be a knucklehead whose interests rarely intersect with mainstream audiences when it comes to action films.

If nothing else, this does seem to indicate good things for The November Man as far as quality goes. They don’t make sequels out of awful films. Everyone knows that.
